Which kind of yoga suits you best? Different yoga paths work better for different folks. You can start by getting to know your nature. You can then make the most fulfilling and satisfying progress by choosing the yoga path which matches your nature.
Whatever path fits you best, there are some foundational principles that are essential to making progress in yoga. By exploring Patanjali’s Eightfold Path and other yoga attitudes you’ll enjoy a deeper experience of your personal path.
Are you someone who seeks emotional fulfillment? If you are, bhakti yoga, the yoga of love and devotion, may be the path that helps you enjoy greater wellbeing. Try a few bhakti practices and see if your love and devotion grow stronger.
Karma yoga, the yoga of action, is well suited to busy people. By working without expectation of reward, karma yogis often experience mental, emotional and character transformations. Take a look at the ways you can grow and develop through selfless work.
For folks with a strong intellect, jnana yoga, the yoga of wisdom, may be the most satisfying. Explore how jnana yoga can help you enjoy greater discrimination. And, with practice, you may realize the oneness of the individual with infinite consciousness.
A powerful way to enter awareness of Spirit, raja yoga offers many ways to develop your character, improve mental focus and attune with God’s will. Folks who like getting things accomplished and developing a greater will find raja yoga fits their nature.
Often combined with bhakti yoga, for many people, the use of mantras helps still the mind and make it easier to enter a meditative state. Mantras are considered cosmic syllables that can rescue your mind from chaos and turbulence.
Hatha Yoga — the asanas or postures — helps you shed physical tension so you can more easily enjoy living in the harmony of body, mind and Spirit. Explore how doing asanas the way yogis have done them for centuries can also reduce anxiety and increase vitality.
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