Your Dynamic Mind
What are the secrets in your subjective mind?
Can you train your mind to truly enrich you?
Take stock. It’s time to choose better thoughts, better feelings, and a better world.
Peace to you, and love.
Welcome to a mystical consideration of your phenomenal mind. May you have never-ending appreciation of the power of your thoughts.
Your thoughts direct your life. They determine the focus and momentum of your energies. It’s a mystical principle: You are what you think. Your life, your personality, and your future are all based on what you do with your power of thought. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,” is a great mystical principle. (THE BIBLE, Proverbs 23:7, King James Version)
Rather than allowing your thoughts to bring chaos and self-destruction, you can train your mind to become helpful and take you where you want to go.
People have a choice. They can be victims and prisoners of their thoughts or they can use the majesty of their own thoughts to live in bliss.
Our Thoughts
Our life is what our thoughts make it.
—Marcus Aurelius (2nd Century), Tr. Morris Hickey Morgan
Intellect annuls fate. So far as a man thinks, he is free.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson, FATE, THE CONDUCT OF LIFE (1860)
By thought is meant your habit of thought — not your occasional fine ideas, but your usual ones. We all have a great idea from time to time but despite these lofty ideas, our lives go on as before. We need to change our habitual way of thought in order to make and enjoy big changes in our lives.
The Subjective Mind
Mystical power of thought is based on an understanding of what mystics call the subjective mind. In using the term subjective, mystics are referring to you as the self, the subject, who is experiencing your life. And, by the term subjective mind mystics mean your ongoing interpretations and general awareness of your life from your personal vantage point. So, your subjective mind contains what you habitually think and feel — including your views of life, of yourself, and of others.
Your subjective mind could be full of delusions and superstitions. It might be a hell to live in. Or, it might be full of love and kindness. Your habit of thought and feeling might be a heavenly, wondrous part of you.
The great mystic Principle of Mind is this: If you wish to change your life and help create a better world, you must first redirect — or transform — the habitual thoughts and feelings in your subjective mind. If you wish to realize the Infinite Spirit or interplay with It in your daily life, your subjective mind must be enlightened.
Perhaps you haven’t done much active evaluation and sorting of your thoughts. Perhaps you’ve mentally accepted and collected everything you’ve heard throughout your life, whether true or not. Possibly your thoughts are continually in conflict with reality or with one another. Maybe your subjective mind is full of delusions and superstitions — your own and others. Your mind may be saturated with fear or resentment. Possibly your churning thoughts are untrue, inappropriate, and unworthy of you.
Further, you may think you’re a person of faith and love but your habitual flow of thoughts and feelings indicates otherwise if doubt, fear and anxiety predominate.
Mystics observe that, in general, your subjective mind runs your life. Life becomes what you habitually think and feel. If your habit of thought (with its related feelings) is rooted in Spirit, wisdom, and love, you’re in great shape and you can count on a spectacular future. But, if your habit of thought is anxiety, grief, inadequacy, anger, or loss, what hope is there?
Relax. There’s great hope for you even if you find you are housing the most destructive of subjective minds. Instead of habitually thinking you are a failure or that the world is no good, why not try a new possibility? Why not put your power of thought into action? Rather than accept your life in the world as impossible or as an absurdity, clear away the inner debris from yesterday and start fresh today.
If you find yourself saying, “This always happens to me,” or “They never understand,” or “I can’t do it,” you’re aware of some of your ruts, your habitual thoughts.
On the other hand, you may be fortunate to have a generally pleasant subjective mind and find yourself content with life. But you find something’s missing. You just know there’s much more to life than you have yet realized. You yearn for greater richness and wholeness. You sense you were meant to be a finer, happier, wiser person. You want to give more, love more, know so much more.
Whatever your subjective thoughts happen to be — distraught or delightful — you can bring greater satisfaction and fulfillment into your life. The solution, the way of the mystics, is: redirect or transform the habitual flow of your thoughts and feelings!
In order to illuminate your subjective mind, you first go into it and seek to know it well. Eager for a finer life, you ask the Big Question.
The Big Question
One of the most important and helpful questions you’ll ever ask yourself is: “What are my habits of thought and feeling?” Or, to put it another way, “What is my subjective mind filled with?”
Relax in an easy chair or on a bench with a view and calmly notice the flow of your thoughts and feelings. In just a few minutes you will know whether your subjective mind is a joyous, harmonious part of you or something else.
Make these moments of introspection as pleasant and comfortable as you can. Don’t descend into worry or remorse. Simply “walk through” your mind as if you were exploring a lake or forest, noticing what is there.
This inner inventory enables you to make wonderful changes so be as honest and thorough as present comfort allows you.
Then, after a few of these significant self-improvement sessions, bring along your pen and some writing paper. Make a real list — not in the air, but on paper.
Make Your List
First, title your page:
“My subjective thought power has been directed in the following ways”
Now, (leaving lots of space after each heading for you to write your answers) list as follows:
Use lots of pages and take lots of time. Take days. Take weeks. You’ll enjoy the process and you’ll know the answers. It’s a satisfying project because you can quite easily locate what you have been thinking recently, and in the past, about each of these important areas within your subjective mind.
As you fill in your answers, you’ll get a clearer and clearer picture of what lies within your mind, what you think and feel about life. You will also begin to discover that your subjective mind relates very directly to the quality of your life in the world. You’ll often see there’s a direct relationship between what you think or feel inside and what you say or do outside.
As you look at your list you’ll get a vivid understanding of what your joys and frustrations happen to be. Also, you’ll get a sharp, detailed view of your personality, your motives and your perspectives about life. By the time you complete your list, you will have a fine sense of the many components which drive your life.
You might also list the thoughts and feelings that you entertain most in your daydreams and your fantasies. This can be very helpful too. Daydreams and fantasies are usually mental movies about your wishes and your hopes, as well as the fears you are secretly suffering.
But please note you often miss some big powerful forces of your subjective mind when you are trying to look at it directly! So, watch your mind throughout the day for at least a week and note what you think most in the give-and-take of life. Especially note the deep feelings that suddenly fill your awareness during idle moments while you’re driving or looking out your office window.
You will likely note that many of your thoughts and feelings come complete with images. Images constitute a substantial part of your subjective mind. These images will often help you to understand what your thoughts and feelings are. Ponder them. Let your flood of images help you understand the content of your subjective mind.
Having made this broad survey of your subjective landscape, what do you observe? Is this a happy and fulfilling mind you’re looking at? Or a saboteur? Can you enjoy this state of mind or does it need repairs?
Sorting and Evaluation
When you are content that your survey is sufficiently complete and that your list of compiled answers represents a good, honest, healthy tour of your subjective mentality, you will find great benefit in doing some sorting and evaluation. You can directly influence the rest of your life by looking down your list and doing some reflection now.
You might find it helpful to proceed this way: Mark a “T” by each item which you consider to be true. Put an “F” by those components of your subjective mind which you know to be, with your present insight and clarity, false. Put a “?” beside those items which you’re not sure about. Determine to look into these matters and make a clearer judgment about them.
You might like to mark an “E” beside each item which you’d like to explore in the days ahead. You can put a “U” beside unfinished processes of thought and feeling which should be worked out and which will relieve much stress when more fully understood.
You could put a “D” beside those items in your consciousness that you wish to discard and throw away. They’re no longer appropriate or important and they’ve been taking too much energy or space in your consciousness. Discard, throw them away.
In addition to discarding, you may wish to use the letter “A” for any items you wish to give more attention. Having experienced all kinds of things on the fly, you may determine that it’s time to look back and give certain thoughts and feelings the proper attention, the appropriate maturing time, within you. You may wish to give these inner treasures more importance, value, and energy in the finer life which awaits you.
What Do You Think?
What are your conclusions? Are your thoughts and feelings really going where you want your life to go? Has the time come to gather and redirect your thought power? Is it time for a change?
Enjoy this exploration of your subjective mind. Let your subjective mind directly and powerfully improve the quality of your life.
O my mind,
Where are we going?
And why?
An Idea Lives On
A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Ideas have endurance without death.
—John F. Kennedy, Address at Greenville, North Carolina (1963)
Fond Greetings.
You look like you’ve been doing a great deal of thinking. Good on you, and power to you!
We could spend a lifetime exploring the Subjective Mind, couldn’t we? The question is: would that be fun? What’s the state of the mind you’ve been touring?
Whatever the present condition of your psyche, you’ll likely find unusual delight and great reward in the upcoming Mysteries of the Mind.
Shall we review the Eleventh Mystery?
Ideas Are Immortal
The thinker dies, but his thoughts are beyond the reach of destruction. Men are mortal; but ideas are immortal.
—Walter Lippmann, A PREFACE TO MORALS (1929)
Life is the greatest teacher.
What do you think life is endeavoring to teach you?
What are your experiences about? What is it you seem to have to deal with over and over again?
When you have hopes and strive to fulfill them, what happens?
What are your sleepless nights about?
What are your greatest joys?
You forget:
We’re trying to know
And love one another
Through our clouded minds,
Through our histories of pain.
Let’s be merciful
And use all available light.
The purpose of this list is to behold something utterly important, something which powerfully influences your happiness and success in life — your subjective mind.
Your subjective mind establishes the opportunities, the relationships, the fulfillments — and the unfulfillments — you will attract into your life. Your subjective mind is the major influence upon your time on earth, you will see.
Simply review your list from time to time and keep it updated. When you know your subjective mind well, throw the list away.
If you are reasonably sure that positive good will be the outcome of your sharing, feel free to share.
Usually, confidentiality is best. Telling others all of your innermost thoughts and feelings may trouble them.
Not easily, but waking up in the Mysteries will do wonders in freeing you from old, negative, self-destructive habits of thought. Learning new mystical truths will also transform your mental/emotional tendencies into positive, loving forces in your part of the world.
The mystic’s goal is not to control thought but, rather, to experience Truth and live in harmony with it.
Quickly, if you can, or gradually, if you must, replace false thoughts and feelings with Truth and Love. The Mysteries will effectively help you to do this.
You can quite easily locate what you have been thinking recently and in the past.
You’ll get a clearer and clearer picture of what lies within your mind.
You’ll often see there’s a direct relationship between what you think or feel inside and what you say or do outside.
Are your thoughts and feelings really going where you want your life to go?
Has the time come to gather and redirect your thought power?
Is it time for a change?
We ask you to commit two hours a week to selfless service. This service can be anything you choose ranging from helping a family member or neighbor to volunteering at a nonprofit organization.
This commitment is solely between you and your inner self.
NOTE: We will not share your information with third parties.