Mystics seek to realize the cause, essence and source of the universe — and of their own lives. They recognize the limitations of their five senses and of the instruments of science, all of which are unable to reach beyond the material world.
What Power?
The unrelenting questions and the unappeasable yearning remain within us:
Mystics seek to contact and personally experience the transcendental or spiritual reality from which the universe and all of our lives have being.
How can a person possibly pursue such a lofty goal?
Mystics begin their journey through the Mysteries of Life by appreciating their fellow human beings — and all living beings — as creatures of a great Creator, which they often call the Infinite Spirit. In exploring the world and their own inner awareness they seek to become conscious of the presence and nature of the Infinite Essence.
You begin the mystic journey by directing your awareness toward the creative power of the universe and the source of life within you.
0 — The Mystic Self (a Sample Mystery)
Receive an intriguing test by which you can contact your Mystic Self..
1 — Mystical Awakening
Begin to access your higher awareness. Live with higher awareness all day long.
2 — The Mystic Gaze
Face the world with a clear mind. Think and function at a higher level.
3 — The Ascent
Contact your Life Essence. Increase your vitality and see others in a new light.
4 — The Mystic Breath
This phenomenon of breathing is a good place to begin your quest toward realizing that which gives you life.
We ask you to commit two hours a week to selfless service. This service can be anything you choose ranging from helping a family member or neighbor to volunteering at a nonprofit organization.
This commitment is solely between you and your inner self.
NOTE: We will not share your information with third parties.