Each of the major internal organs can be damaged by emotional excess. Fear causes the adrenal glands to secrete the stress hormones adrenaline and hydrocortisone. Qigong creates positive energy flows which can help heal the kidneys and adrenal glands. Learn how to counteract fear by focusing the life force in the area of the kidneys.
Qigong (Chinese yoga) works with the life force and the five energy flows which influence health and well being. Explore the disturbances in energy flows which can injure our internal organs. Learn how the energy healings of qigong can help to overcome anxiety, sorrow, fear, anger and excessive attachment.
Yogis are always seeking to transcend, to go beyond their present level of awareness into higher realizations. One way to stimulate transcendence is to use the eye-level process. Learn the straight-ahead gaze and see how it can improve your ability to think and concentrate.
Yoga is about going beyond, that there is always something more to realize. Yogis seek to transcend normal awareness into higher consciousness and spiritual awareness. Deal with the blockages to transcending. Explore how you can be lifted up into higher levels of consciousness.
Ananda is the word yogis use to describe ever-new spiritual joy. Dedicated practice in any yoga path can lead to wonderful, fulfilling joy. Discover Sri Ramakrishna’s teachings on the availability of joy and how to experience it.
Ananda means ever-new joy. It is one of the highest states to be experienced in the practice of yoga. Discover the process for finding and living in ananda.
The Holy Spirit cannot be attained but is received as a gift from God. If you are willing to receive and maintain It, your life can be transformed. This is the message of Christianity, as well as most other religions.
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This commitment is solely between you and your inner self.
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