Enjoy the Miracle
Praying for others is one of life’s greatest joys. You’ll help multitudes of people, create a better world, and you’ll live as the partner and cherished companion of your Divine Beloved.
Praying for others is one of life’s greatest joys. You’ll help multitudes of people, create a better world, and you’ll live as the partner and cherished companion of your Divine Beloved.
Releasing is an essential part of proceeding your prayer. Troubleshooting is another. Find out about the last and most essential part of it by clicking here!
These advanced prayer methods are: buddhi prayer, mahat prayer and Interpretive prayer. Note that these methods require a level of spiritual attunement.
The tour of prayer methods continues with: visualization prayer, affirmative prayer, metaphysical prayer, realization of God everywhere prayer, and inspired prayer.
Here are several methods are prayer including: natural prayer, arati prayer, instrument prayer, tap and press prayer, karma and mercy prayer, sleep and wake up prayer, and the devotee prayer. Find which one(s) work best for you.
In this article, Ramakrishna helps us learn the basics of prayers so we could purify ourselves and enter into the right attitude before we pray. Learn more!
Do you know about the mystery of prayer? Ramakrishna Ananda introduces and tours prayer and its methods. This is an inspiring and practical guide.
So much of what people seek in life involves raising their level of consciousness. Don’t you — don’t all of us — seek to experience a life which is rewarding and full of meaning, rather than a life of conflict, confusion and chaos? Don’t we yearn to know ourselves and others more profoundly — more truly? Don’t all of us seek well-being, insight and the inner power to change our lives in many ways?
We ask you to commit two hours a week to selfless service. This service can be anything you choose ranging from helping a family member or neighbor to volunteering at a nonprofit organization.
This commitment is solely between you and your inner self.
NOTE: We will not share your information with third parties.