Third Technique — Devotion
This practice is probably the most beautiful, especially if you have a religious nature. But even if you don’t, there is something wondrous to be gained.
This practice is probably the most beautiful, especially if you have a religious nature. But even if you don’t, there is something wondrous to be gained.
You can learn a great deal about life by studying it. There is a perfect subject for study — you. The more you understand yourself, the more you will be able to understand other people. The more you deal with the variables within yourself, the more you can become a true friend to other people. Self-mastery is based on three principles — self-discipline, introspection, and devotion — and it is very much developed in this second technique called introspection, or self-study.
When you say you’ll be there at eight a.m., be there at eight a.m.
When you say, “No, thank you, I don’t wish dessert,” mean it and keep your word.
When you tell someone, “You can count on me, I’ll be there,” then be there.
When you say the job will be ready at two o’clock, be sure and have it ready at two o’clock.
Do you find yourself many miles from that special teacher you’re searching for? You can, nevertheless, develop greatly and perhaps gain numerous glimpses of higher consciousness if you become adept in the following practices. You will become more and more prepared to meet your teacher and will find many benefits occurring in your life from the application of these marvelous principles.
Begin the pilgrimage. Go out to various truth centers. Explore the main different paths of the world. Find out what they have to share. Compare. Contrast. Ask. Think. Be a humble seeker.
Now the search begins in earnest. It would be wonderful if finding your higher consciousness were as simple as getting on a freeway and staying on the road until the destination is reached. While “road, path, freeway,” are excellent ways of describing the quest for fulfillment, we must now go beyond this analogy. It’s fair to compare the quest for consciousness to a freeway but, of course, the matter is not that simple.
Whether you’re an eager traveler seeking the benefits of higher consciousness, or a driven traveler desperate for satisfaction and meaning, you’re traveling in the same direction. You’re sharing the same freeway and most of the events along the way
You can learn how to let your deepest yearnings lead you to higher consciousness.
Do you know how to capitalize on your good tendencies? Would you like to know one more extremely important principle in the formation of new tendencies? The principle is this: Intensity and repetition. Keep “intensity and repetition” in mind as you gather thoughts, emotions, vital force, and body together.
Find out how to create new tendencies that lead to greater fulfillment. Your life works in a harmony and so, your tendencies are always created with the cooperation of your thoughts and feelings. Click to learn how to apply them!
We ask you to commit two hours a week to selfless service. This service can be anything you choose ranging from helping a family member or neighbor to volunteering at a nonprofit organization.
This commitment is solely between you and your inner self.
NOTE: We will not share your information with third parties.