Happiness comes from within, from our soul. Too often we regard other people and events as the source of our happiness. In reality, they are merely triggers which cause us to contact and fill with levels of soul joy. Using the Bhagavad Gita, Ramakrishna Ananda explains the secret of happiness.
If someone or something in the world sours or fails us in some way, we become miserable and our happiness ceases. We, in our mind, in our sense of self, ignore inner happiness. Our mind is unable to receive and acknowledge the bliss within. We separate from, and block, our own soul. On and on we go through life receiving or blocking happiness. Finally, we wise up and deal directly with our soul and recognize it as the true source of happiness.
We ask you to commit two hours a week to selfless service. This service can be anything you choose ranging from helping a family member or neighbor to volunteering at a nonprofit organization.
This commitment is solely between you and your inner self.
NOTE: We will not share your information with third parties.