Sri Ramakrishna taught that the ego, the false sense of self, is like when a stick is held over a body of water and appears to separate the water into a left side and a right side. In reality, the water is one undivided whole. Similarly, our ego’s viewpoint is that we are separate from everything and everyone in the universe. Learn how to go beyond ego identification by lifting the ego stick. Discover the joy of centering in, and living from, the true self.
Yogis find enlightenment occurs when the ego stick is lifted. Once you discover, abide in, and are consolidated in spiritual awareness, you release the false sense of self. Daily you live in awareness of Spirit because your ego is not actively dividing the world into me and mine versus you and yours.
We ask you to commit two hours a week to selfless service. This service can be anything you choose ranging from helping a family member or neighbor to volunteering at a nonprofit organization.
This commitment is solely between you and your inner self.
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