Are You Feeling Anxious?
A YogaWorld Lifeline — Anxiety is what yoga mainly deals with. It helps you get rid of all tension from your body, mind, and spirit and give you a sense of goodness.
A YogaWorld Lifeline — Anxiety is what yoga mainly deals with. It helps you get rid of all tension from your body, mind, and spirit and give you a sense of goodness.
A YogaWorld Lifeline — Have often have you asked yourself, “Why am I here? What’s my purpose in life?” We ask ourselves this kind of question when we are troubled by the events of life, and also when things are going great. Everyone, at some point, asks, “What’s it all about?” Unfortunately, few people find the answer.
A YogaWorld Lifeline — Yogis have figured out the secret to being able to change any habit, no matter how long you’ve been doing it. Explore the yoga way of letting go of old negative habits and embracing new, positive habits.
A YogaWorld Lifeline — We all know that getting enough sleep is important to our health, mental state, and overall well-being. However, for most of us getting enough sleep is a major challenge for many reasons: we have a busy schedule; anxious thoughts trouble us; blue light from mobile devices activates our nervous system, etc.
A YogaWorld Lifeline — Most of us have times when our mind is turbulent, jumping from one thought to another, making us anxious, angry, or fearful. Maybe we’ve enjoyed a peaceful mediation or postures experience and our mind is calm. But then we suddenly recall something that happened a day ago, a week ago or ten years ago. And boom, off we go into a turmoil of thoughts and feelings.
A YogaWorld Lifeline — Ramakrishna explains various ways to judge whether the criticism we receive is constructive or hurtful. Learn how to take it as a part of life.
A Yoga World Lifeline — If you feel miserable at any time of your life, always remember that yoga destroys misery. Never stop practicing yoga and there will be no misery around you.
A Yoga World Lifeline — If COVID is troubling you, explore the yoga view of COVID to get centered and live with a sense of well-being and harmony no matter what’s happening in the world.
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