The Baptists
In recognition of the strength and popularity of the Baptist church, I arranged an interview with Reverend Elwin Pelletier, a Baptist missionary for over thirty-five years and now a hospital chaplain.
In recognition of the strength and popularity of the Baptist church, I arranged an interview with Reverend Elwin Pelletier, a Baptist missionary for over thirty-five years and now a hospital chaplain.
Reverend Mahathera Piyadassi arrived at my house in reddish-orange robes and brown sandals. He walked erectly from decades of meditation and discipline. Slightly above medium height, his head was clean shaven, his thin face shadowed with a hint of gray whiskers. Dark, intelligent eyes studied me.
Your future is your choice! Hopefully, by now you are open to the idea that higher consciousness is available to you. It already exists within you. All you need do is make the effort to discover it and unleash it into your life. Without knowing your faculty of higher consciousness, you are missing out on at least nine-tenths of your potential for happiness and fulfillment.
Consider another possibility of contact with higher consciousness: more than ever, religion will assist men and women Godward. Oftentimes man’s ignorance and the power trips of tyrants have intruded on religion. (Religion is the linking of man with God, or the returning of mankind to his true spiritual state.)
What are the possibilities of higher consciousness? Who can truly say how great the possibilities are?
While higher consciousness will prove itself to you as your greatest asset and your true resource for a finer life, there is a misconception about higher consciousness that can prove very dangerous. Understand higher consciousness for what it is or you might pay a very big price.
Higher consciousness is real — it is not a fantasy. If you come out of a supposed deep meditation without improved character, deeper wisdom, and greater love for all mankind, you can be certain you did not experience higher consciousness while you were in your meditative state. Higher consciousness changes you for the better whenever you come into contact with it. It not only enriches you personally but in making you a finer human being, it enriches humanity.
It’s valuable to know the six levels of awareness which you’ll likely experience as you come home to your higher consciousness. Continue reading and learn!
Most people who ultimately abide in higher consciousness have mastered the three levels of transcendental consciousness. Learn more about it in this article!
In this article, explore the five stages of awakening taught by Ramakrishna Ananda as you pass through the levels of mental/emotional development.
We ask you to commit two hours a week to selfless service. This service can be anything you choose ranging from helping a family member or neighbor to volunteering at a nonprofit organization.
This commitment is solely between you and your inner self.
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