Dawn Comes
It is the stage when awakening begins. Your devotion and faith doesn’t let you down and you proceed with patience and persistence. Click to learn more!
It is the stage when awakening begins. Your devotion and faith doesn’t let you down and you proceed with patience and persistence. Click to learn more!
The period of initiation commences when the master accepts you as their dear devotee. Achieve this level easily through the teachings of Ramakrishna.
Learn how to qualify to be able to seek enlightenment and incomparable help of a master. Ramakrishna talks about how to qualify regardless of its difficulty.
The relationship between the master and the initiate is extremely essential. If they don’t work together, the initiate couldn’t achieve higher consciousness.
The master, before accepting you, hopes to see some of the qualities Ramakrishna has explained in this article. Read now and acquire these qualities.
Certainly western mysticism is a tradition of the transfer of higher consciousness from those who have it into the lives of worthy brothers and sisters — those who have prepared their character and those who will not abuse greater power. Most all schools of thought which speak of awakening have a tradition of transferring consciousness.
A guru will not only enable you to explore higher consciousness rapidly but also to consolidate your life and live as an enlightened person. Click to learn more.
One of the experiences along the way of a seeker is Dark Night of the Soul. It is a threat that Ramakrisna knows how to avoid. Read now to learn more!
The seeker who doesn’t have an enlightened teacher needs to be warned about two experiences along the way – The Threshold and the Dark Night of the Soul.
Ramakrishna says that by developing these two skills, you can learn to overcome your agonies and maintain your ecstasies. View the complete article now!
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This commitment is solely between you and your inner self.
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