There are certain basic approaches and understandings which allow devotees to grow and flourish. Success on the spiritual path is often determined by one’s attitude. When you approach Spirit or a Guru for help, you must be willing to grow and change. An important ingredient is your readiness to face and deal with difficult issues. Discover how a Guru can help you grow and develop on the spiritual path.
The devotee seeks the love and wisdom of the Guru, opening mind and heart to something greater than themselves. Devotion comes from pursuing something higher than ego and present awareness.
An important ingredient in a Guru/devotee relationship is that the aspirant is seeking higher values. Truth, beauty and goodness are the basis of a spiritual relationship. You yearn to be more truthful and honest because living in truth aligns you with the Divine and enables the Lord to help. Also, you seek beauty, making your corner of the world neat, clean and harmonious. Further, you strive for good, delighting in expressing goodness for its own sake. These things are essential for a dynamic relationship with God and Guru.
Attitudes which enable the Guru to assist in the devotee’s transformation:
We ask you to commit two hours a week to selfless service. This service can be anything you choose ranging from helping a family member or neighbor to volunteering at a nonprofit organization.
This commitment is solely between you and your inner self.
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