Through mirroring, seeing ourselves through the eyes of others, we receive impressions which influence our self-image. Often, we allow others to strongly influence our view of ourselves, what we can expect from life, and the meaning of life in general. It’s essential to review your accumulated mirroring and then remirror yourself, if necessary. You can also be a wonderful mirror to others, helping them feel loved, valued and appreciated. As you understand the importance of mirroring, you can help improve the lives of others as well as your own.
What kind of mirroring have you received? Did your parents love and adore you? Or, rather, did they have a negative view of themselves and the world? Consider the mirroring you may have absorbed.
You can receive positive mirroring through meditation. Sense the presence of Spirit and consider what God thinks of you. Through your parents you received life, but it is God who created you. God, who manifests the entire universe, loves and cares about you. Begin to accept God’s mirroring. Allow God to be your mirror in meditation and reveal who you truly are.