Calming the mind with meditation can takes us to a state of inner peace — an important quality of our soul.
Calming the mind with meditation can takes us to a state of inner peace — an important quality of our soul.
The aspect of God or higher consciousness that is dynamic, protects us, is unconditionally loving, and moves us forward to enlightenment is called the Divine Mother.
Yogis say companionship — the people around you, the books you read, videos you watch — is a stronger influence on you than your own will power.
When you have devotion — love combined with humbleness — you have one of the main qualities for success in yoga.
Mantrams are words or syllables that, when done with consciousness and devotion, rescue the mind from anxiety, turbulence and numbness and take us to inner peace and joy.
Vidya is a force of truth that takes us forward in our spiritual development. Avidya the opposite force that takes us away from higher consciousness.
Gurus are spiritual teachers who have experienced God or self-realization. They are known as dispellers of darkness because they lead devotees to higher states of consciousness.
The inner power to change anything in our lives is an attribute of our true self than everyone can experience.
Enjoy these videos, talks and writings on awakening. When we become aware that there is a higher consciousness that surrounds us and is within us, we are having an awakening.
Karma means action. The law of karma says that whatever actions we do, think or feel are causes that bring effects into our lives. As we change the causes, we change the effects.
We ask you to commit two hours a week to selfless service. This service can be anything you choose ranging from helping a family member or neighbor to volunteering at a nonprofit organization.
This commitment is solely between you and your inner self.
NOTE: We will not share your information with third parties.