Out of body experiences illustrate the basic truth that we are not merely a body. We have a physical body, an astral body, a causal body and beyond that, a soul. When, at will, we can project our awareness beyond the body, we discover a sense of freedom and a recognition of higher levels of consciousness.
You are not the body but rather the occupant of the body. The benefit of an out of body experience is that it helps you realize you are a soul living within a physical vehicle. Such projections aid in the realization of the soul and your true individuality. The disadvantage of out of body experiences is that people may over-emphasize them to the detriment of meditation. Remember, projection is not a spiritual experience but a level of growth on the spiritual path.
We have a physical body, an astral body, a causal body and, beyond that, the soul. In the astral body of light and energy, you may travel wherever you wish, usually to another physical place on earth. You may also visit the astral world, mainly a realm of desires, fantasies and dreams. Seekers may be deluded in the astral sphere but most are inspired to go higher and farther into Spirit.
We ask you to commit two hours a week to selfless service. This service can be anything you choose ranging from helping a family member or neighbor to volunteering at a nonprofit organization.
This commitment is solely between you and your inner self.
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