Jnana (wisdom) yogis seek to release desires. Immoderate desires and aversions increase selfishness, intensify the ego and block contact with the inner self. Learn how to take a desire break and withdraw energy from both positive and negative desires. Discover the peace and bliss which comes when you are desire-free.
Spirit is continually emanating, shining and creating through humanity and the universe. Victory from a yogic view point is discovering, abiding in and expressing from the soul, the spiritual self within. Explore yogic processes for contacting and living from the soul. You can become a window through which your soul shines.
We continue the series on jnana yoga (yoga of wisdom) focusing on the teachings of Swami Vivekananda. Yogis say that our main problem is that we don’t actually know who we are. We are manifestations of the Divine which seeks to express and shine through us. Explore ways to be more open to this possibility.
Through dedicated jnana (wisdom) yoga practice, you can gradually find the inner light which will enable and empower your soul to shine. See how you can live in the freedom of Spirit.
Obsessive preoccupation, excessive empathy, or being overly distraught about people’s problems can damage your spleen and pancreas. In The Way of Qigong, The Art and Science of Chinese Energy Healing, the author recommends we stop brooding, come to our senses, and enjoy the world around us. Explore the qigong sound and color practice recommended for balancing the life force in the spleen and pancreas.
Yogis affirm that nothing is as important and satisfying as the relationship between a person and the Lord. God helps us with our problems and fears. God gives us wisdom and strength, endurance and optimism. You can invite the guidance, joy and power of the Lord into your life.
Why is yoga called the path of joy? Through the dedicated practice of yoga, one can find expanding, ever-new joy. A yogi turns from pursuing the objects of enjoyment to receiving the inner gift of transcendent, eternal joy. Discover the lasting joy to be found when the pursuit of external objects of enjoyment is abandoned.
Suffering and painful karmas often result when we allow ourselves to be complacent. Complacency weakens our momentum on the spiritual path. The remedy is to invoke the Divine Mother, the dynamic, nurturing energy of Spirit. Discover the strength, power and positive momentum that can come into your life through invoking and honoring Spirit as your Divine Mother.
Since it is not possible to rid oneself of ego, the false sense of self, allow it to be transformed into a devotee or child of God. Cultivate the realization that the ‘I’ within is the power of God manifesting in you. See how becoming aware of Source can bring more balance and ease into your life. Sri Ramakrishna: Examine the sense of ‘I’ until you discover the true self, the Divine soul within.
We ask you to commit two hours a week to selfless service. This service can be anything you choose ranging from helping a family member or neighbor to volunteering at a nonprofit organization.
This commitment is solely between you and your inner self.
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