Developing the Eyes of a Yogi — Part 1
If you want to enjoy the benefits of yoga, learn to see like a yogi. Explore methods for gaining an eternal perspective. Discover the joy this can bring into your life.
If you want to enjoy the benefits of yoga, learn to see like a yogi. Explore methods for gaining an eternal perspective. Discover the joy this can bring into your life.
You can grow in faith, applying it to all circumstances and situations. Explore the two main ways to release your faith into manifestation. Discover how tuning in with Spirit’s love and goodness allows It to move and express in your life.
We are emanations of the Divine, born to allow Spirit to create through us. When we block this expression, we suffer. Learn how to uncover the light within and allow it to shine.
Meditation and other yogic practices allow us to better understand life’s events and choose a course which leads to fulfillment. Discover how you can contact the inner self and allow its wisdom and love to express in your life.
In exercising faith it is important to keep the primary focus on Spirit rather than any problems or threatening appearances. Explore some essential factors needed to apply faith dynamics. Discover the great power and goodness which can express in your life through the practice of faith.
How yoga fosters faith, confidence, and a deeper connection with Spirit. Explore transformative practices to live beyond the surface and manifest Spirit’s qualities in daily life.
How yoga fosters faith, confidence, and a deeper connection with Spirit. Explore transformative practices to live beyond the surface and manifest Spirit’s qualities in daily life.
Yoga helps us to grow in faith and assurance. We begin to live in confidence and reliance on God’s nearness, love, goodness and omnipotence. We experience beautiful states and events as we awaken to the reality of Spirit. Be open to these blessings as you attune with Spirit.
Yoga students seek to prepare the body and mind to become actual reflections and expressions of the soul. Learn about the energy patterns in the nervous system called samskaras. Discover how to change your samskaras in order to reflect the beauty and wisdom of the soul.
Yogis have found the way to ever-new joy. Explore what happens as you stop pursuing the objects of enjoyment. Find out how you can have ananda, true lasting joy.
We ask you to commit two hours a week to selfless service. This service can be anything you choose ranging from helping a family member or neighbor to volunteering at a nonprofit organization.
This commitment is solely between you and your inner self.
NOTE: We will not share your information with third parties.