This is part three of a six-part series on You Can Choose Your State of Mind. When we are preoccupied with thoughts of the world, job, money, food and physical pleasure, yogis say we are in the stupefied state of mind. If, instead, we want to experience the subtle realities of love, inner potential and insight, then we need to go beyond this state. Discover how you can get past the stupefied state and experience the wisdom, joy and harmony of the inner self.
The mind of the stupefied person is generally churning. In this state, practices which calm and comfort the mind are very beneficial. View your mind with love and appreciation. Calming and comforting the mind will make it sensitive to the vast realms of higher consciousness.
We ask you to commit two hours a week to selfless service. This service can be anything you choose ranging from helping a family member or neighbor to volunteering at a nonprofit organization.
This commitment is solely between you and your inner self.
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