On Service
Discover the importance of selfless service in yoga learning. Learn how serving others can help you cultivate inner peace, compassion, and spiritual growth.
Discover the importance of selfless service in yoga learning. Learn how serving others can help you cultivate inner peace, compassion, and spiritual growth.
Retreats are immersive, eLearning experiences in which an actual retreat can be enjoyed through Ramakrishna Ananda’s talks, images and interactive elements.
Unlike individual videos and audio talks, each seminar may have 6-8 episodes which guide you step-by-step from beginning, to intermediate, and then advanced practices. In this way, you have time to explore these important themes in greater depth.
Yoga shows how to change and transform old habit patterns. Discover how to be free from destructive habits to find more joy and meaning in life.
Transformation is about changing. We can change ourselves through experiencing the inner self and bringing that consciousness into daily life. Discover the treasures available through contact with your true self.
Spirit is the essence of everything. Meditation is about becoming aware of Spirit. Discover how spiritual awareness can bring joy and transformation into your life and the lives of others.
Throughout life we face challenges which require us to change, adapt and transform. Yogis go within to the core self, the atman, for this necessary transformation. See how contact with the inner self empowers personal change and also brings great joy.
What do you need to do to experience the life transforming power of Shakti, the manifesting power of God? Yogis say you need to be prepared by purifying your consciousness. Enjoy a guided mediation that will help you let go of old habits and thoughts and awaken to a new higher level of consciousness.
Shakti, also called the Divine Mother, is the manifesting aspect of God. Through her grace we realize that we are spiritual beings in a spiritual world. Explore practices to awaken to the joy and bliss of Shakti.
We ask you to commit two hours a week to selfless service. This service can be anything you choose ranging from helping a family member or neighbor to volunteering at a nonprofit organization.
This commitment is solely between you and your inner self.
NOTE: We will not share your information with third parties.