Humility is the Way to Bliss — Part 1
As the ego becomes humble we can awaken to the joy of the true self. Discover how humility can lead to a life of bliss, harmony and attunement.
As the ego becomes humble we can awaken to the joy of the true self. Discover how humility can lead to a life of bliss, harmony and attunement.
The world is a field of action. Through yoga we learn that our actions can liberate, empower and fulfill us. Discover the emotional, mental and physical actions of yoga which can bring wisdom, love and freedom into your life.
Explore the progressive levels of bhavas (moods of love) as well as the different types of samadhis to find the samadhi most natural for you. The ego cannot cause samadhi — but it does need to get out of the way.
One beautiful way to attune with Spirit, soul and higher consciousness is through visualization. Our quality of life is based on our mental pictures. Discover how to create images which enable you to experience greater success and happiness.
Yoga devotees identify and release fantasies rather than encourage them. Discover how yoga practice can help you transcend fantasies and dwell in your true nature.
Learn about the signs of the stirring of the kundalini and the experiences that it brings. Discover how yoga practice encourages spiritual awakening.
Yoga enables you to cultivate stillness, thus bringing a state of harmony to both mind and heart. By releasing tied-up energy, you allow a heightened level of life force into your experience. Discover how to have a better quality of life through practicing stillness.
The mind must settle and be transformed in order to see and know Spirit. The senses, when spiritually awakened, reveal Spirit rather than ignoring or denying It. Explore ways to settle your mind and spiritualize your senses.
Discover yoga practices which calm the mind, open it to insights from the buddhi and allow it to relate to Spirit directly.
Dedicated spiritual practice transforms the mind and makes it sensitive to soul and Spirit. Discover the ways Spirit reveals Itself when your mind and emotions are calm.
We ask you to commit two hours a week to selfless service. This service can be anything you choose ranging from helping a family member or neighbor to volunteering at a nonprofit organization.
This commitment is solely between you and your inner self.
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