Soul Transformations
To enlighten means to give light. The soul guides the enlightenment process by transforming problem areas. It has the power, love and joy to bring light into all areas of darkness.
To enlighten means to give light. The soul guides the enlightenment process by transforming problem areas. It has the power, love and joy to bring light into all areas of darkness.
The soul is the individual focal point of divinity expressing at the very heart of our being. Discover how the truth, beauty, goodness, joy and bliss of the soul can lead to transformation.
The yogic view is that we are here on earth to progress from an ego focus to spiritual wholeness and a soul-centered life. Along the way, we experience both cooperation and conflict. Instead of fostering more conflict, we can choose to bless others.
Yoga promotes the development of cooperation between the impulses of the ego and the wisdom of the soul. As the mind becomes clearer and begins to reflect the soul, we are able to make better choices and enjoy more positive consequences.
There are many practices to stimulate soul awareness for both beginning and advanced spiritual seekers. Explore meditation techniques which open you to receive soul awareness and allow it to express.
Yoga practice helps to deal with spiritual ignorance and the ego, the false sense of self. Explore yoga exercises and attitudes which develop a constructive ego and allow contact with the soul.
Judging others leads to separateness while appreciating them leads to peace and harmony. When we appreciate others, we can often discern the way their souls would like to express.
The yogic view is that Spirit lives inside each of us but is often blocked. Discover how to allow the perfection of Spirit to bless, fill and express through you.
It is important to value our relationships and their positive benefits. Consider the goodness that can come to you from a relationship with God.
Participate in a guided meditation which can lead to a greater understanding of the soul’s happiness and freedom of expression. Discover how to allow the soul to help, love and guide you to a life of fulfillment.
We ask you to commit two hours a week to selfless service. This service can be anything you choose ranging from helping a family member or neighbor to volunteering at a nonprofit organization.
This commitment is solely between you and your inner self.
NOTE: We will not share your information with third parties.