The Delusional World
Maya, the cosmic illusion, keeps us ignorant of reality and our true nature. In misperceiving everything, we inevitably suffer. Awaken from delusion and find lasting happiness.
Maya, the cosmic illusion, keeps us ignorant of reality and our true nature. In misperceiving everything, we inevitably suffer. Awaken from delusion and find lasting happiness.
By practicing silence and attuning with truth, we can help ourselves and others. Find out how to bring more love and kindness into your life and into the world through speaking the truth.
This second talk in the four-part japa series focuses on using japa (chanting) to increase devotion and concentration, allowing deeper absorption in Spirit. Explore the different levels of awareness that can be realized through chanting. Use japa to become superconscious, awakening the kundalini and experiencing the joy of pure Spirit.
Japa is the spiritual practice of repeating a sacred word or phrase which can bring the mind to a state of concentration. Learn the essentials of japa, chanting and mantra. Find out how they can lead to the joy of deep meditation and absorption in Spirit.
Explore how avatars, yogis and saints show us the way to go farther in yoga. Yoga practiced with assimilation opens us to new realities. Yogis have blissful contacts and immersion in Spirit called samadhi. Experience samadhis and the ecstasy they can bring to your life.
Spiritual growth is mainly about assimilating. It’s not just what you learn, but what you assimilate from yoga that counts. Learn and develop assimilation to live in the joy that comes from awareness of Spirit.
Deep experience of pure being often leads to additional states of higher consciousness. We can be transformed through spiritual experiences and live as instruments of Spirit, expressing truth, beauty and goodness. Learn how abiding in being leads to nitya lila, the divine play.
Awakening is quite similar in the main religions and traditions. There’s an ascent of consciousness, transformation in Spirit, and then a wonderful descent of higher consciousness. The writings of Jewish mystics can be awakeners to us, helping our minds and egos to enter into higher levels of awareness.
Spiritual awakening and enlightenment can be found on every spiritual path. Enjoy reflecting on Christian saints who have experienced awakening through the same process which yogis enjoy. Their beautiful words can open you to the joy of Spirit.
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