February — Triumph Over Obstacles
This is our theme for February. Yogis are problem solvers. We face and deal with our karmas, seeking to learn life lessons and move forward in love and joy.
This is our theme for February. Yogis are problem solvers. We face and deal with our karmas, seeking to learn life lessons and move forward in love and joy.
This is our theme for January. Under the spell of maya, we forget our true nature. We forget we are heirs to the glories of Spirit.
Meditation allows us to experience superconscious states which transform us. The more awe and wonder we experience, the greater the transformation of our sense of self. Discover how to move into a new state of awe that expands your consciousness, making room for ever greater transformation.
The practice of sahaj, a natural high state of awareness, allows us to live centered throughout the day. We can tune into the inner self and allow it to vibrate in our awareness even while occupied in the outer world. Discover sahaj attitudes that allow us to live attuned to Spirit.
Yogis use the analogy of the bay and the ocean as a way of experiencing and interplaying with Spirit. We are like bays, always connected to the vast ocean of Spirit. If our minds are at peace, we can become conscious of the bay, the ocean, and the interplay between the two. Learn techniques that help to calm the mind and allow us to know and enjoy the soul and Spirit.
Do you know Christ as a palpable reality? Christ is experienceable and can come in a way we can feel, see and hear. Enjoy participating in a series of guided meditations which help us awaken to peace, love, joy and the presence of Christ.
Here we practice three approaches that expand the heart and our awareness. Allowing the heart energy to go out can bring a wonderful experience of being at one with others and can reveal the soul, the atman. Discover the peace, joy and love that is stimulated through heart expansion.
The Garden Visualization practice helps us to become more subtle and more attuned with the inner self. We use the mind and sense of self to guide the subtle body into a beautiful spiritual garden. Discover how to use visualization to receive insights and experience beauty and peace.
In this meditation, we practice flowing from one lake of consciousness to another lake of consciousness. Through this interplay, we find the beauty and joy of the soul revealed.
The Guided Fountain Meditation combines a visualization practice with the breath in order to prepare for awakening the kundalini. As we breathe, we imagine or visualize a thread of light moving up and down the spine. Enjoy practicing this with Ramakrishna Ananda and be open to the rising of the kundalini.
We ask you to commit two hours a week to selfless service. This service can be anything you choose ranging from helping a family member or neighbor to volunteering at a nonprofit organization.
This commitment is solely between you and your inner self.
NOTE: We will not share your information with third parties.